Tuesday, May 22, 2012

I have so many passions, and so much pain. I don't know which to face first.

Monday, May 21, 2012

I keep having these really vivid hallucinations/night terrors of a spider hanging above my head while I'm lying in bed.  It happened once about a month ago in DC, and it has happened the past two nights.  They look so real, spinning webs right above my head.  I've woken up practically screaming both times, jumped out of bed, and by the time I've fetched something to knock the spider down with, it has magically disappeared.  It took me about ten minutes to realize the first night that it was just some sort of vivid image.  Like my brain is still in dream-state.
The second night, I woke up, and watched the big, brown spider crawl across a strand of silk towards my lamp.  As it got brighter and brighter (I left my lamp on out of laziness, and it isn't very bright) it gradually dissipated into nothingness.  It was extraordinarily surreal and creepy.  I was wide awake and seeing it disappear before my eyes.  Just like a ghost in a movie.  I have no clue why this is happening to me, but I hope it stops, because I'm truly terrified of spiders and I can never tell if these images are real or not.  Even after I watched it disappear last night, I still kept a ruler next to me in bed in case I had to swat it away.  Don't ask me why I grabbed the ruler.. I just wanted something long so I wouldn't have to let my hand close to it.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Last night I dreamt there were these vending machine type things that would legally marry couples. You just slipped your paperwork in and it recited some stuff and then you kissed and oi'la.  At one point I watched two women look into each others eyes, as if trying to make sure it was reality, then share a tender kiss.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I watched galaxies form
In a mug of pomagranate tea
Their swirling arms were surely guided by God himself
They soon tore themselves apart under the force of their speed
The universe waits

Sunday, May 1, 2011

bin ladin dead

It's only a matter of time before people start discovering tons of *shocking* new information about him and his doings.  And I'm sure some of it will conclude in people saying we shouldn't have killed him.  Like Hitler, I'm sure he wasn't the only source of the *terrorism* (oooo spooky buzzword), so this won't really change much.
To be honest, I don't trust anything they say on the news or anything politicians say anymore.  I'm sure the big facts are true, but they change everything about the story.  At this point, I just want to know if gas prices are going to fall back, and if we will finally get some more job openings.  I'm pretty tired of this rut.